Terms & Conditions

We’ve created these terms of use in a simple, straight forward format. This is a legal document; it’s important to know what you are agreeing to. By using this website, you are agreeing to these terms of use. The terms of this agreement are subject to modification from time to time, and the effective date of the current terms is set out at the end of the page. We will inform you if anything within this agreement changes. It is also important that you read our Privacy Policy; by agreeing to these terms, you are affirming that you have read, understood, and agree to our Privacy Policy.

Section 1: Legal agreement

Human Agency is provided by Courier Inc (the “Company”). This is a legally binding agreement between you and the Company. This agreement dictates how you are allowed to use this website and how you interact with the Company and Human Agency and all websites and services operated by Human Agency (collectively, “Human Agency”).

This agreement and the terms of use it contains apply both to your use of such websites and to any other services Human Agency may provide (such as assistance in creating content or placing advertisements of messages).

Section 2: Who can use Human Agency

Users of Human Agency (or other websites or services of Human Agency) need to be over the age of 13. If anyone over 13 but under the age of 18 wishes to use this website, their legal guardian needs to set up their account, approve their usage of the site, and be present when they use it. If you are a foreign national without legal permanent resident status in the U.S. (ie. a green card holder), you are not permitted to buy or place political messages through our website or other services. Political messages are any messages that express advocacy for the election or defeat of a candidate for political office. Any ad that solicits funds for a political campaign or committee are also forbidden for Foreign Nationals. If you are a citizen of Cuba, Iran, Sudan, the Crimean Region, Syria, North Korea or any entities that are the target of U.S. or European Union sectoral sanctions, you are not permitted to use this website or other services for any purpose. If you are subject to legal restrictions on your activities, you are responsible for assuring that your use of our websites and services complies with those restrictions. For example, if you are a non-profit organization, you are responsible for assuring that your use of this website is consistent with applicable limitations on political activities.

Section 3: What we do

Human Agency offers marketing, technology, business operations and strategy, and other services. You are responsible for the work of your company and any services or technology provided by Human Agency. Human Agency may allow you to create and place advertisements and messages on other websites and provides agency services. You are responsible for ensuring the messages or behavior does not in any way that would violate the terms of service or advertising policies of such other websites. The platforms that may be accessible through Human Agency and whose policies must not be violated include Bing, Facebook, Google, LinkedIn, Pinterest, Snapchat, Spotify, and Twitter. Bing’s advertising policies can be found here. Facebook’s advertising policies can be found here. Google’s advertising policies can be found here. LinkedIn’s advertising policies can be found here. Pinterest’s advertising policies can be found here. Snapchat’s terms of service can be found here. Spotify’s advertising policies can be found here. Twitter’s advertising policies can be found here. Any platforms that we provide access to in the future will also have terms of service that you will need to look over before you make messages, place advertisements, or use their websites.

Section 4: How to act

Human Agency puts power in the user’s hands. It is important that all users of our websites and services behave responsibly and respectfully. Any illegal activity, harassment or abuse, publishing or unauthorized use of personal information, unauthorized use of any photographs or other content, fraudulent claims or schemes, impersonation, username stealing/selling/squatting, intellectual property infringement, spam, malware distribution, claims of endorsement by Human Agency, degradation, unauthorized data mining, or unauthorized penetration testing is forbidden. If you do any of these things we have the right to ban you from our websites, discontinue providing any other services to you, and pursue any legal action we deem appropriate.

Section 5: Creating messages

We are not responsible for the content or success of your work or ours. Human Agency is not responsible for and cannot be sued over any lack of effectiveness; we are not responsible for any negative backlash that your or our work may receive; we are not responsible for any lost revenue or public scrutiny that may come about because of your or our work. Additionally, we are not responsible for the timeliness of your or our work or services. We reserve the right to withhold  any or all work. You are responsible for assuring that the content of any messages created or place by you or on your behalf, complies with any legal restrictions on your activities (see Section Two and Section Four above and Section Thirteen below), and does not violate anyone else’s rights (see Section Twelve below).

Section 6: What we stand for

We offer users the ability to communicate their ideas and promote their efforts. While we stand for free speech and discourse, we by no means endorse or condone any or all of the views that are propagated through our websites. We do not screen and review all content; if something you believe is objectionable or inappropriate is placed through our website, please report it to us so that we can review and potentially remove it. However, we are not liable for any damages caused by content created or used by users, whether or not caught by our review process. Further, content removal and user banning is something that we want to do judiciously; it may take time for us to decide whether or not to do this. Our websites allow users to “share” that they have used our website on various social media/websites.

Section 7: Account actions

As long as you are an eligible user (see Section Two above) and you follow these terms of service, you are free to create and use an account on Human Agency. Information that you provide us about you needs to be accurate and complete. If you provide false, misleading or incomplete information, we can remove your account. Purchasing and selling of accounts is forbidden. If you lose access to your account, contact us and we will do what we can to help you. If we are unable to grant access to a lost account, we are not responsible. If you wish to delete your account, contact us and we will do so.

Section 8: Services

Human Agency offers supplementary agency services. These are services offered beyond the base use of the platform, may be subcontracted, and as noted above are subject to the same terms as the base use of the platform, unless otherwise provided in a separate agreement specifically covering such services. Where such services include assistance in creating advertisements and messages, you remain responsible for their content, success and compliance with any applicable laws or regulations (see Section Five above).

Section 9: SMS

Experience by Human Agency is an SMS outbound, customer service, and chatbot-enabled service that allows for interactive digital experiences on the web and through texting. By opting in, you may receive informative, instructive, or question-based messages.

You can cancel the SMS service at any time. Just text "STOP" to 330330. After you send the SMS message "STOP" to us, we will send you an SMS message to confirm that you have been unsubscribed. After this, you will no longer receive SMS messages from us.

If you want to join again, just sign up as you did the first time and we will start sending SMS messages to you again.If you are experiencing issues with the messaging program you can reply with the keyword HELP for more assistance, or you can get help directly by emailing admin@humanagency.com.

Carriers are not liable for delayed or undelivered messages.

As always, message and data rates may apply for any messages sent to you from us and to us from you. Message frequency may vary. If you have any questions about your text plan or data plan, it is best to contact your wireless provider.

Section 10: Non-solicitation

Human Agency may share, publicly or through direct communication with users, identities of or other information about our contractors or partners. If you are introduced to, work with, have services provided by, or become aware of these contractors and partners shared by Human Agency, you agree to not work with these contractors and partners or change your working or financial relationship with Human Agency as a result of this information for a period of 1 years following the termination of all accounts or contracts with Human Agency.

Section 11: Payment

Payment in advance is required before any message will run on or through any of our websites.  Payment for other services is due upon receipt of the invoice, which may be in advance of the rendering of such services.  Any amount not paid when due will bear interest at the rate of  1 ½% per month.  If we have to take legal action to collect any amount due, you will pay or reimburse our costs, including legal fees.

Section 12: Likeness

As a user of our websites or technology, you grant Human Agency an unrestricted and unlimited right to share your name, associated company(ies) or organization(s), your story, any likenesses, and any content or information you upload to the site or otherwise provide to Human Agency, including through tagging Human Agency on social media platforms. You are solely responsible for ensuring our right to this information.

As a user of our services, you grant Human Agency an unrestricted and unlimited right to share your name, associated company(ies) or organization(s), your story, any likenesses, and any content or information you provide to Human Agency, including through tagging Human Agency on social media platforms, for the  purpose of advancing your work. You are solely responsible for ensuring our right to this information.

Section 13: Intellectual property, copyright infringement, and privacy rights

Human Agency facilitates the ability of users to publish content to the internet, but users are responsible for their content (see Section Five above). With respect to content placed on our or through our websites, if someone has violated any copyright or other rights you have, please contact us and we will endeavor to do what we reasonably can to assist, but we are not liable for any damages caused by such an infringement or violation. As a user, do not post content that violates anyone else’s copyright, trademark, privacy or other rights. If you post original content on Human Agency, you are responsible for ensuring it is your intellectual property. If you use or share with Human Agency someone else's content, you are responsible for ensuring you have the right to do so. If you post photographs or other likenesses of anyone else or their property, you are responsible for ensuring that you have their consent (or if applicable, such as in the case of someone too young to legally consent, the consent of their guardian or someone legally authorized to agree on their behalf). By posting content to or sharing content and information with Human Agency, you are granting Human Agency an unrestricted right to use or modify your intellectual property and data, including for commercial purposes. Data and personally identifiable information shared with Human Agency will be subject to Human Agency’s privacy policy and your rights to this information include Human Agency’s right to use per its privacy policy. Content produced by Human Agency for its own purposes is wholly owned by Human Agency. Technology and websites produced or managed by Human Agency for its own purposes or for a client is wholly owned by Human Agency. Content produced by Human Agency for a client and first party and client report data collected by Human Agency for a client is co-owned by Human Agency and the client for which the work is performed. All content on Human Agency should be considered Human Agency's or a Human Agency user’s intellectual property. Your use of this content is restricted to the platform or the place where Human Agency provides this content outside the platform. If you use any of Human Agency's intellectual property in a non-permissible way, you are breaking the law and we will pursue any legal action we deem appropriate.

Section 14: Compliance

As an advertising platform and agency, Human Agency is facilitating the creation and running of messages and ads on your behalf. As the user, you are responsible for understanding and complying with all applicable laws and regulations.

Section 15: Indemnity

The fact that we facilitate your use of the internet and social media channels does not make us liable for any damage, obligation, or expense you may incur, or for any damages you may cause anyone else or that may result from your messages or ads or their content, including your legal fees or defense in court. You are responsible and liable for your actions on our websites. Further, if Human Agency or any subsidiaries, affiliates, agents, employees, officers, partners or licensors is sued or incurs any liability whatsoever because of: (1) your actions, (2) resulting from information or materials that you provide to us, (3) the content of your messages or ads, (4) work that we conduct at your direction, you are agreeing to pay for it, including our legal fees and other costs of defending against any claim, or (5) any filings, compliance reports or similar submissions you file or fail to file, you are agreeing to pay for it, including our legal fees and other costs of defending against any claim.

Section 16: Modifications and warranties

Human Agency software can be modified and changed at any point. Human Agency is used “as is” and “as available.” We reserve the right to alter Human Agency whenever we deem appropriate. We cannot guarantee that Human Agency will be available in an uninterrupted, timely, secure or error-free way. If you lose any work or suffer any losses, we are not responsible. If you have epilepsy, it is possible that a seizure could commence due to light patterns that could be present on the website. Please consult a physician if you begin to experience dizziness, altered vision, eye or muscle twitches, loss of awareness, disorientation, any involuntary motions or convulsions.

Section 17: Limitation of liability

You are acknowledging that Human Agency and any subsidiaries or affiliates, agents, employees, officers, partners or licensors are not liable for any damages (punitive, indirect, incidental, special, consequential, or exemplary). These damages include loss of profit, goodwill, use, data, and/or intangible losses.

Section 18: Violations and disputes

Please report any violations or disputes pertaining to these terms of service to the following contacts:

Section 19: Governing law

These terms of service are governed by Missouri law.

These are our terms of service and subject to change at any point. Any previous arrangement / agreements / deals are subject to these terms. Just because you break one term does not permit you to break more.

The effective date of the current terms set out above is May 26th, 2020.